a lm o n d s a r c in!
G o o d new s about good fat
. Dietary guidelines recommend that
the majority of your fnt intoko ho unsnhimfoH
One serving of almonds (
2 0
g) has
g of
unsoturotod tot ond only lg of saturated tot
Step I 2
Prepare your favorite potato, rice or v e g g ie dish.
Step 2:
Toss in a handful of sliced C alifo rn ia A lm onds.
Step 3:
Serve it up and savor the compliments.
Step 4:
Call attention to the fact that almonds give any
meal a heart-healthy boost. Plus, they make it crunchier
and tastier, too.
Step 5:
Repeat every chance you get.
A lm o n d s steal the show in alm ost every
food from sw eet to savory, hors d 'o eu vres to entrees,
exo tic to everyd ay. So, w hatever yo u're co o kin g up,
m ake sure alm o n d s are in.
california alm onds
the stress
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